Build a LEGO brick model of one of the world's most architecturally impressive and symbolically important structures. Located in Washington DC, the United States Capitol is a magnificent example of neoclassical architecture covering more than 1.5 million square feet and with over 600 rooms and miles of corridors. The building that we see today is the result of several major periods of construction that have taken place since president George Washington first laid the cornerstone on September 18, 1793. With over 1,000 building blocks, this meticulously detailed LEGO Architecture interpretation of the U.S. Capitol focuses on the structure's striking white, columned facade with its famous steps and lawns, and features a removable dome for access to a detailed interior depicting the famous National Statuary Hall, complete with columns, statues and tiled floor.
- Zapatos de Mujer
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- Ropa de Mujer
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- Tech Deck
- Legos
- Juegos de Mesa
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- Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar
- Behringer
- Hogar y Cuidado Personal
- Mundo Detailing
- Repuestos y Accesorios para Vehículos
- Mundo Scooters
- Peaky Blinders
- Mundo Gamers
- AirSoft
Build a LEGO brick model of one of the world's most architecturally impressive and symbolically important structures. Located in Washington DC, the United States Capitol is a magnificent example of neoclassical architecture covering more than 1.5 million square feet and with over 600 rooms and miles of corridors. The building that we see today is the result of several major periods of construction that have taken place since president George Washington first laid the cornerstone on September 18, 1793. With over 1,000 building blocks, this meticulously detailed LEGO Architecture interpretation of the U.S. Capitol focuses on the structure's striking white, columned facade with its famous steps and lawns, and features a removable dome for access to a detailed interior depicting the famous National Statuary Hall, complete with columns, statues and tiled floor.
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- Zapatos de Hombre
- Zapatos de Mujer