3M Quick Grip Filler is an extra fast, easily sandable body filler that adheres rapidly to most substrates including galvanized steel, aluminum, E-coat and many more. This creamy, easy-to-spread filler is vacuum processed to reduce pinholes and sands to a fine featheredge without loading abrasives. It cures in 15 minutes at 75°F, and sands to a stain-resistant, tack-free finish.
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3M Quick Grip Filler is an extra fast, easily sandable body filler that adheres rapidly to most substrates including galvanized steel, aluminum, E-coat and many more. This creamy, easy-to-spread filler is vacuum processed to reduce pinholes and sands to a fine featheredge without loading abrasives. It cures in 15 minutes at 75°F, and sands to a stain-resistant, tack-free finish.
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