Find out whose cuisine will reign supreme with this 361-piece LEGO Friends Baking Competition building set. Two cooking stations, TV cameras and a wide selection of baked goods offer the perfect setup for an imaginary televised bake-off. Interactive features such as spinning ingredient wheels and rotating cake stands add an extra dimension to this LEGO Friends Baking Competition building set.
- Zapatos de Mujer
- Zapatos de Hombre
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- Mochilas, Maletas y Bolsos
- Ropa de Mujer
- Ropa de Hombre
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- Peaky Blinders
- Mundo Gamers
- AirSoft
Find out whose cuisine will reign supreme with this 361-piece LEGO Friends Baking Competition building set. Two cooking stations, TV cameras and a wide selection of baked goods offer the perfect setup for an imaginary televised bake-off. Interactive features such as spinning ingredient wheels and rotating cake stands add an extra dimension to this LEGO Friends Baking Competition building set.
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- Zapatos de Hombre
- Zapatos de Mujer