Coopetition is the first game of its kind. This party game applies the elements of both cooperation and competition, and by doing so takes fun to a whole new level. Players compete and cooperate in a variety of familiar situations - including trivia, drawing, and charades. Unlike other board games however, players not only compete to win, but must also work together. It's a game not only of skill and knowledge, but also of strategy and luck. It is truly unique. The combination of cooperation and competition makes this game fun for many reasons. These elements maximize player involvement in the game so no one is ever just sitting around waiting for their turn. They also maximize interaction among players, allowing each player to compete and cooperate with everyone else in the game. And more so than any other board game, because of the interdependence introduced by cooperation, each strategic choice made by one player affects everyone else in the game. The game is never the same twice. For three or more players, it takes about an hour to play.
- Zapatos de Mujer
- Zapatos de Hombre
- Relojes
- Joyas
- Lentes de Sol
- Accesorios
- Mochilas, Maletas y Bolsos
- Ropa de Mujer
- Ropa de Hombre
- Juguetes
- Tech Deck
- Legos
- Juegos de Mesa
- Computadoras
- Tecnología
- Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar
- Behringer
- Hogar y Cuidado Personal
- Mundo Detailing
- Repuestos y Accesorios para Vehículos
- Mundo Scooters
- Peaky Blinders
- Mundo Gamers
- AirSoft
Coopetition is the first game of its kind. This party game applies the elements of both cooperation and competition, and by doing so takes fun to a whole new level. Players compete and cooperate in a variety of familiar situations - including trivia, drawing, and charades. Unlike other board games however, players not only compete to win, but must also work together. It's a game not only of skill and knowledge, but also of strategy and luck. It is truly unique. The combination of cooperation and competition makes this game fun for many reasons. These elements maximize player involvement in the game so no one is ever just sitting around waiting for their turn. They also maximize interaction among players, allowing each player to compete and cooperate with everyone else in the game. And more so than any other board game, because of the interdependence introduced by cooperation, each strategic choice made by one player affects everyone else in the game. The game is never the same twice. For three or more players, it takes about an hour to play.
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- Zapatos de Hombre
- Zapatos de Mujer