Over the years our Pendleton hunters have become enormously popular, and they are reasonably priced, many have asked for a more affordable Pendleton that will accommodate just about anyone's budget. So together with Lloyd and designed a knife called the Pendleton Lite Hunter. In appearance it strongly resembles the rest of the family with a drop point blade, modest guard, hollowed bolster area and a flared butt to aid retention. The only Major changes were the adoption of more affordable German 4116 stainless steel and the use of polypropylene instead of Kray-Ex for the handle. In testing it Got straight A's in the field as it is equally adept at field dressing and skinning, held a decent edge, was easy to sharpen, and proved to be tough as nails. If you're looking for a very affordable hunting/utility knife that comes with a good, pouch-style sheath and delivers more than your money's Worth in performance and value look no further than the Pendleton Lite. Features: - drop point blade - modest guard - hollowed bolster area and a flared butt to aid retention - polypropylene handle - great at field dressing and skinning - easy to sharpen - tough as nails. Specifications: - weight: 2.7 oz. - thick: 3mm - blade: 3 5/8" - overall: 8 1/2" - steel: German 4116 stainless - polypropylene handles
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Over the years our Pendleton hunters have become enormously popular, and they are reasonably priced, many have asked for a more affordable Pendleton that will accommodate just about anyone's budget. So together with Lloyd and designed a knife called the Pendleton Lite Hunter. In appearance it strongly resembles the rest of the family with a drop point blade, modest guard, hollowed bolster area and a flared butt to aid retention. The only Major changes were the adoption of more affordable German 4116 stainless steel and the use of polypropylene instead of Kray-Ex for the handle. In testing it Got straight A's in the field as it is equally adept at field dressing and skinning, held a decent edge, was easy to sharpen, and proved to be tough as nails. If you're looking for a very affordable hunting/utility knife that comes with a good, pouch-style sheath and delivers more than your money's Worth in performance and value look no further than the Pendleton Lite. Features: - drop point blade - modest guard - hollowed bolster area and a flared butt to aid retention - polypropylene handle - great at field dressing and skinning - easy to sharpen - tough as nails. Specifications: - weight: 2.7 oz. - thick: 3mm - blade: 3 5/8" - overall: 8 1/2" - steel: German 4116 stainless - polypropylene handles
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