2018 marked the 35th anniversary for Megadeth, one of the most influential powerhouses in thrash metal. All year long the band celebrated with various events, culminating in Warheads on Foreheads - with Dave Mustaine personally A&R’ing a new anthology honoring his legacy - 35 tracks for 35 years, on 3CD, Digital and 4LP. For the first time, a Megadeth anthology includes tracks from The System Has Failed, United Abominations, Endgame, Th1rt3en, Super Collider and the Grammy award winning Dystopia. “Warheads on foreheads” is a military term expressed when bombing missions are underway.
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2018 marked the 35th anniversary for Megadeth, one of the most influential powerhouses in thrash metal. All year long the band celebrated with various events, culminating in Warheads on Foreheads - with Dave Mustaine personally A&R’ing a new anthology honoring his legacy - 35 tracks for 35 years, on 3CD, Digital and 4LP. For the first time, a Megadeth anthology includes tracks from The System Has Failed, United Abominations, Endgame, Th1rt3en, Super Collider and the Grammy award winning Dystopia. “Warheads on foreheads” is a military term expressed when bombing missions are underway.
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